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What can you observe in your own backyard or in a short walk around your neighborhood? The beauty of the seasons is that we have an always changing landscape. Winter has its own beauty in itself and the spring is a chance to spread new seeds and watch them grow into beautiful plants. The aroma of flowers blooming and the chirping on the trees. Isn't a great time to head outside?


Science Kids - How Plants Grow

Learn about how plants grow by experimenting with this interactive science activity. Using heat & water, see if you can make the plant grow to a healthy size. Too much sun & moisture can have a negative effect on the plant though so be careful when giving it nutrients. Keep the amounts in balance and see how long you can keep the plant growing healthily.


Kids' Web Classroom: Plant Growth and Development

The Franklin Institute Science Museum brings activities to explain kids how plants grow


Plants for Kids

Kathi Mitchel presents a great assortment of links to material in Biology


The Great Plant Escape


Kids World - Plant Nutrition


Biology 4 Kids - Plant Basics


Plants - Explore your Backyard

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