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Robonaut 2 picking up rocks

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Robonaut 2 in front of crew members

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I'Self-driving cars, rovers, centaurs, a miriad of robots take on difficult and dangerous missions for the good of mankind. When we look at the Curiosity, The Robonaut 2, The Centaur 2, we have the feeling we are looking at a science fiction movie. But they are REAL!! Learn about the Space Exploration through these pages. I bet if you dig into your toy box, you may find a kind or robot, or if you look around your house you may find a robotic appliance.


Nasa Digital Learning Network (DLN)


NASA's Electronic Professional Development Network (ePDN)


Teaching From Space


Take a Peek at the Space Station


Our Favorite Rover: Curiosity


Geography for Kids


Chidren's Museum of Indianapolis Virtual Tour


Tumble Books - Activities for Kids


KidSpace at the Internet Public Library

Robonaut 2 posing in front of two crew members. Actually he can manipulate objects with great precision.

Notice how graceful he looks. You would think, he is concentrated, planing on his next move. Hard to know here who is human, and who is not.


Robonaut 2 picking up some rocks. Notice how he goes down to select the material.

Here Robonaut 2 uses Centaur 2 for mobility.

Curiosity is a very sofisticated rover. It can generate his own power to move and includes a complete lab. It has robotic arms to pick up material and is able to send analysis through his communications system.

We have received tons of real-time photograps of Mars in real time. Curiosity has a sophisticated array of cameras and has been able to photograph himself. Yeah, he is having fun up there.

Robonauts are very polite. They use sign language to communicate. You have to see the movement of his hands... so perfect.  He can really hold objects and 

Here Robonaut 2 says "hi" from the top of the mountain. I have the feeling he is also smiling.


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Robonaut 2 saying Hi

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Planets - Welcome to Space

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